Bringing Hope to Unreached People Groups in Guatemala & Beyond!



Faith In Action is a 501(c)(3) Christian Church Organization founded by Michael & Rocky Beene over 35 years ago. Faith In Action focuses on reaching isolated and remote people groups who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ or had a Christian church in their midst. We primarily focus on mountainous highlands in the region of Zacapa and the swampy waterways of Rio Dulce in Guatemala, Central America.

We believe in putting the great commission into action. To go to the ends of the earth and share the gospel with the lost. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to people who do not have ready access to the Word of God. We show them the value they hold in God’s eye’s and the pure love found in Jesus by meeting their physical needs in the hopes that they will open their hearts to Him. We also plant churches in these villages. God has miraculously given us an open door into various villages both in the highlands near Zacapa and in the lowlands on Rio Dulce.

Most of the people we are reaching are plagued with witchcraft, illiteracy, severe health issues, and very poor living conditions. To these people, for the most part, the only Gospel they will ever read is the works of our hands and lives. Saving lives and relieving their incredible pain and suffering with medical help so touches them that they open their hearts to us. God gently begins to break down all of the walls Satan has put up with fear and superstition as they realize God so cares for them that He sent his ambassadors to help them.

For the people in these extremely remote villages we construct safe houses, churches, schools, clinics, and facilitate all types of economic and agricultural developments. We work with volunteer teams to bring in the expertise to build major infrastructure improvements to areas that are completely isolated. Some of the things that we bring to these people are bridges over swamps to facilitate their contact to the outside world, provide fresh water by drilling wells, construct churches, schools, clinics. We do all these things to meet their physical needs with the hopes of the greater spiritual need of the heart being met through Jesus!