Education Program

“Education is one of the most important things that we can invest in. We know the change education brings will alter the destiny of the villagers and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.” – Founder Michael Beene

Creating New Horizons!

Having no education opportunities in their villages, FIA offers oppotunities to study in a local town where our main FIA Base is. The kids ranging in ages of 12 to 18 stay Monday through Friday to study at local christian school. They spend their weekends up in the mountains with their families. We have seen the education they receive open doors for opportunities to provide for themselves and start families. The greatest reward though is seeing the greatest need met in their lives which is the need for a relationship with God through Jesus!

Education Field Trips

Our students and our Bonus Kids come from remote locations with little exposure to their own beautiful country. One of our goals is to give them the opportunity to experience places and different aspects of their countries history and culture.

The photo seen to the left is from one of our recent trips to El Castio De San Filipe in Rio Dulce. This is a historic fort with much Guatemalan history surrounding it. The Bonus Kids loved experiencing it and getting the chance to see this new place via boat as well!

Experiencing God’s Creation!

Investing in the next generation is the most powerful step towards a better life for these village families and a stronger world as a whole.

One of our favorite ways of connecting with our youth is through getting out into creation! There is nothing quite like seeing all the beauty God has created for us to enjoy with Him! His heart is painted across the world and we love how our kids get to experience small glimpses of God’s loving heart!