Applying For
Internship Program
Short-Term Missions Trip
Group Name If Applicable
First Name
Last Name
Are You A Minor?
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Passport Number
Passport Exporation Date
Marital Status
Emergency Contact #1
First Name
Last Name
Relationship To You?
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Emergency Contact #2
First Name
Last Name
Relationship To You?
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Pastoral Reference
First Name
Last Name
Relationship To You?
Personal Reference #1
First Name
Last Name
Relationship To You?
Personal Reference #2
First Name
Last Name
Relationship To You?
How Will You Raise Your Financial Support?
Are You A Christian? Yes or No
How Did You Become A Christian?
What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?
Describe Yourself As A Person.
What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses?
Do you have any prior criminal history or record? If yes, please explain.
Have you ever struggled with Child Pornography? If yes, how long ago was this?
What Are Your Goals For Your Trip And Expectations?
Do You Have Any Prior Missions Experiences?
Do You Have Any Prior Ministry Experiences?
Do You Have Any Specific Skill Sets? (Carpentry; Electrical, Medical, Cooking, Teaching, etc.)
Please List Any Languages You Speak And Rate Your Fluency Level.
Primary Physician
First Name
Last Name
Have you had any major illness during the past two years?
If Yes, Please Give A Description
Do you take any prescription medications?
If Yes, Please Give A Description
Do you have any special dietary concerns (food allergies, diabetic, etc)?
Please describe any other medical conditions you have that might need special attention?
Are you up to date with your Tetanus shot?
How would you rate your overall physical condition?
Do you have any physical problems that would hinder your activity?
If I am accepted by Faith in Action, then...
I commit to follow the directives of Faith in Action leaders and local pastors in a willing and cooperative manner
I commit to put Christ first and set aside my own personal agendas in order to reach the team objectives
I commit to abide by the Faith in Action Code of Conduct seen further below on this form.
Medical Consent Agreement Acceptance
I DO accept the "Medical Consent Agreement" below
I DO NOT the "Medical Consent Agreement" below
In the event of a medical emergency I/we hereby give permission to Faith in Action or their designate to secure appropriate medical treatment which may include hospitalization, anesthesia, and/or surgery for the applicant.
If I/we purchase a limited group medical insurance policy this policy may provide reasonable insurance coverage. However in case of an emergency return to your home country, a policy deductible, over the policy maximum medical expenses, may require you to cover added expenses if it does not qualify under the purchased insurance policy. I hereby waive, discharge claims, and release from liability Faith in Action, from any such claim. I agree to assume full financial responsibility in case of accidents resulting in injury, illness or death.
Medical Insurance Policy #
Group ID #
Insurance Provider
Release of Liability Acceptance
This form is an acknowledgment of short/long term foreign outing Responsibility, Express Assumption of Risk, and a Release of Liability.
I understand that during my participation in Faith In Action ministries and foreign outreaches, I may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which are inherent in each outing experience and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the ministry. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death ("Injuries and Damages") from exposure to the hazards of travel and living in Guatemala. Faith In Action and the field mission directors have not tried to contradict or minimize my understanding of these risks. I know that Injuries and damages can occur by natural causes or activities of other persons, animals, trip members, trip leaders, assistants, and/ or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons. I understand that risks of such injuries and damages are involved in adventure travel such as ministry outreaches and I appreciate that I may have to exercise extra care for my own person and for others around me in the face of such hazards. I further understand that on any outing there may not be rescue or medical facilities or expertise necessary to deal with the injuries and damages to which I may be exposed or incur.
In consideration for my acceptance as a participant on any outing, and the services and amenities to be provided by the ministry in Guatemala in connection with the outing, I confirm my understanding that:
I have read any rules and conditions applicable to the outing made available to me; I will pay any costs or fees for the outing or accorded during the outing; and I acknowledge my participation is at the discretion of the group leader.
I understand that I am personally responsible for all risks associated with this travel both medically and financially. This also applies to any incident resulting from transportation provided by Faith In Action in Guatemala during any outing. I agree to assume full financial responsibility in case of accidents resulting in injury, illness or death.
This Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. If any provision or any part of any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable.
To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to WAIvE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY Faith In Action minis- tries, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and leaders from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence of Faith In Action or its officers, directors, employees, agents, and lead- ers, in any way connected with this outing. I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS Faith In Action, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and leaders from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by my own negligence while a participant on any outing. I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on any outing.
I have read this document in its entirety and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such Injuries and Damages and notwithstanding such risks, I agree to participate in this ministry as either a long term helper or a short term visitor.
I DO accept the "Release of Liability Agreement" above
I DO NOT accept the "Release of Liability Agreement" Above
Code of Conduct
• Maintaining a positive and uplifting attitude regardless of the circumstances.
• Have a willingness to serve the needs of others before yourself.
• Flexible and able to accept changes to plans and schedules.
Work & General Participation
• Willingness to accept and perform all tasks assigned to you, without complaining.
• Inform leadership about any physical limitations, that may hinder yourself, or others around you from performing their assigned tasks safely.
• Willingness to be participate in group and individual activities such as team projects; bible studies, devotions, prayer meetings and church meetings as requested by leadership.
Respect and Cooperation
• Willingness to respect and cooperate with others no matter what differences may arise.
• Willingness to submit to the leadership (includes Faith in Action Leadership, local pastors, team leaders and those in authority).
Cultural & Spiritual Sensitivity
• Show cultural sensitivity regarding dress, piercings, speech and actions.
• Comply with Faith In Actions specific dress code.
• Faith In Action reserves the right to ask team member, intern or staff member to change their attire and remove piercings when seen as necessary to remain respectful to the local nationals.
• Abstain from any consumption of alcohol or use of any tobacco products while in the areas where Faith in Action ministering.
• Abstain from any sexual relations, outside of marriage defined in the Bible (our definition of marriage is “a holy covenant made between one man and one woman” See Matt 19:4-6).
• You must keep all leadership informed about your whereabouts.
• You must not venture outside of designated safe areas.
• You must not take any illegal substances.
• You must inform leadership about any mind-altering medications subscribed to you by a doctor.
• You must be willing to not use photographs, video or any other forms of media from areas where Faith in Action minister, to represent or promote other organizations or causes than those sanctioned by Faith in Action and it’s partner churches and organizations. You are free to use any media you have recorded for personal use, with friends and family, in print, on the web or through any other avenues. To use media outside these limitations, you must receive written permission.
I DO accept and agree to the "Code of Conduct Agreement" above
I DO NOT accept nor agree to the "Code of Conduct Agreement" above
Application Agreement & Signature
By signing my name below, I hereby AGREE that my typed name constitutes the acceptance of the "Commitments", the "Medical Consent", "Code of Conduct" and the "Release of Liability" sections of this form.