Please Stand with us in Prayer!

Prayer is an open line of communication with God through His Holy Spirit that is a wonderful gift from God!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

We have the opportunity to daily stand by each other with arms locked for believers around the World! Knowing that our Father in Heaven hears our prayers & takes them to heart in all the ways He is moving here on earth to bring the lost home into His family!

Spiritual Needs!

  • FIA Pastors:

  • New Outreaches! We currently have 3 new locations our FIA Pastors are weekly visiting to share the gospel! There has been a beautiful response to the message of Hope and Life in Jesus! Please keep the villages of Ta-tutu, Rodeo and Toma De Agua in your prayers!!

Financial Needs!

  • Financial Partners Committed to Carrying the Monthly Burden of the General Ministry Overhead (Not Including Projects) $30,000 (Includes: Staff Salary; Three FIA Base Location Expenses, Vehicle Expenses & Repairs)

  • Ta-tutu Church Building: $10,000 

  • Paraiso Village Water-tank & Add-on Project: $3,000

  • Bonus Kids Private Christian Education: $485 (Monthly)

  • Bonus Kids Building Project: $10,000

  • Matazano Village Playground Project: $10,000

  • Monthly Pastors Salary: $250  (FIA gives this donation monthly to help keep them freed up to dedicate their best efforts to seeking out the lost and inviting them into the family of God!) 

    100% of the proceeds go to their assigned destination.
    You can partner with us financially through this link!