Meeting Medical & Dental Needs

Without easy access to medical or dental care many local villagers suffer through many difficult pains for long time periods. Giving them relief from their physical pains is one of the quickest ways to also touch their hearts!

Pinalito Village Clinic

We have one permanent clinic seen to the right where we provide basic medical care and dentistry. Throughout the years we have visited numerous villages with medical and dental teams.

Dental Work

For over 20 years dental work has been a very tangible way of serving the local people groups. The majority of the villagers have never seen a Dentist! They live in constant pain with rotting teeth and infected gums that lead to worse medical conditions. Being able to relieve their pain and put them on a path to physical healing has been a visible way for the people to connect with how far God will send us for them to know His Love and Eternal Gift of Salvation!

No Distance too Far!

For years Michael & Rocky Beene have modeled that our ministry is called to the hard to reach places! When our Dental Team arrives in the village with all of the necessary equipment loaded in the trucks. The villagers stand amazed that we would come so far for them. We share with them that God came farther than this when He entered this world through His Son to save the lost!

Medical Needs

No matter the village we serve in there are always other medical needs that arise other than dental needs. The majority of the locals will not hike out of their villages to seek medical help. We have the unique opportunity to bring healing to their physical pain while sharing with them how God longs to bring healing and spiritual life to their hearts!