Stove Top Projects

Every home in the villages we serve in uses an open fire to cook their food. It is also the warmest place for the families to gather together, especially for the elderly and young. The majority of homes do not have good ventilation provided by a chimney. This causes dangerous respiratory issues.

This past year in 2023 we start providing stove tops and chimneys to families and expect to see drastic improvements in daily life but even more so in the health of the families. Our favorite part of this project has been the time we have been blessed to spend with each of the families. This interaction is priceless and we know they truly experience the love of Jesus as we serve them!

A Typical Fire Place

Without any outside help, open fires are made and stove tops created from whatever a family can find. The families make do as best they can and grow used to the smoke filling the room. They gather around the flames to enjoy the warmth at the expense of their lungs.

The Joy of Giving

It is truly hard to put into words the lasting impact installing a good wood burning stove has on a family. The difficulty of daily cooking is greatly improved and most importantly the health of the families is drastically improved!

Touching Hearts!

Installing stove tops is one of our favorite projects because it gives us time with the families!