As Christians we have all been given a unique call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

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Faith In Action answers that call every day. We show the endless compassion and love of God to people living in the most remote places in Guatemala. Every project, every ministry, every program carries one single goal… to share the love of Christ in real and tangible forms. For most of the people we minister to, our life’s work is the only Gospel they will ever read.

“We believe in teaching to fish and not just feeding them a fish. Sustainable living can be achieved with God’s blessing and hard work. With training and basic education, these villagers can provide the essential needs to support their families which gives them the hope and potential to put poverty, starvation and death behind them. The biggest miracle of all is when these primitive people turn from their ancient ways to the one true God. Our desire is to make a difference so that when we are long gone the touch of God and the great things he has done will remain as the song sung in the hearts of these people from generation to generation.”
– Michael Beene

We are excited to share with you the amazing things that God has done through our organization. Click the links below to find out more about what we do.