Bringing Hope to Unreached People Groups in Guatemala & Beyond!

Church Planting

Faith in Action looks for remote communities that have no established church or Gospel presence in their villages. Forgotten by the outside world, these villages are isolated with no basic infrastructure, such as electricity, running water, or usable roads. The people living in these remote places are full of fear and hopelessness. We come to dwell among them, to make the Gospel of Jesus visible, and God’s love tangible.

Only acts of kindness turn their ears to listen. As we pray for God to penetrate these remote cultures hardened through centuries of suffering alone, He begins to give us ideas on how to touch their needs and gain their confidence. Sometimes it takes years to gain the people’s trust and win their hearts but that is Faith In Action’s call: to dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.

God’s love compels & leads us in His perfect timing to open hearts ready to receive His Good News!

Faith In Action Village Pastors are at the tip of the spear finding these new unreached villages starved for the Gospel! Often hiking 5-6 hours one way to visit new villages. Always by invitation the pastors hold services in a home and return weekly to share the life giving love of Jesus with the community!

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Romans 10:15

Once the gathering of people outgrow the home they are meeting in. The community looks for a location to build a larger temporary structure to hold church services in. FIA helps to build this structure alongside our pastors and local villagers. We then encourage the small body of believers there to ask God to provide for a way to buy the land and build a permanent church structure for the Body of Believers to meet in!

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37

“We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us...” 2 Corinthians 5:20

God is always faithful to move in miraculous ways to provide the finances and willing bodies to build the church building!

Throughout the building process we get to build deeper relationships with our brothers and sisters in the village. While putting love & faith into action for the rest of the onlooking village to witness!

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Seeing the finished work of a church building brings us great joy! Knowing that we get to be a part of God reaching the lost. It is truly the most fulfilling purpose He invites us into in this life. It brings a joy like no other in life!